coffee bean

coffee bean

6 Tricks to Make Morning Coffee

If you are someone who doesn’t like going outside because of the Dhaka traffic but still misses the flavor of outside food and coffee, this article is for you. Imagine starting your day with a great cup of coffee which has a fresh aroma and taste as North End or Coffee world. But sometimes, no

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Fermented Coffee

Fermented coffee is, quite simply, coffee that has undergone the process of fermentation. It’s popular due to its unique smell and taste (fermentation neutralizes the bitter taste of the coffee beans), healthy properties, and increased shelf life. In this post, you’ll learn more about the fermentation process, the benefits of fermented coffee, and how fermented

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A comprehensive manual for Coffee Grinding

In order to make a nice cup of coffee, coffee grinding is a crucial step. The appropriate grind size and uniformity can have a big impact on your coffee’s flavor, aroma and overall quality. All you need to know about coffee grinding will be covered in this article. Why Is Grinding Coffee Important? Coffee beans

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Making Espresso with Moka Pot

A Moka pot, also called an Italian coffee pot, stovetop espresso maker, or just “pot,” is a traditional coffee maker that was created in 1933 by an Italian engineer named Alfonso Bialetti. This is a common way to make coffee, especially in Italian homes. It makes a strong, rich coffee that tastes like espresso but

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Coffee Sommelier

For those who are unaware of a coffee sommelier, this is for you! Coffee sommelier play one of the most crucial roles in the world of coffee by testing and approving coffee before it is sent to us- the consumers. While you are thinking, ‘it’s a quite an easy job, sipping coffee all the day,’

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Sunalini Menon, Asia’s First Lady of Coffee

If you are a coffee connoisseur, then you must familiar with the name- Sunalini Menon, the First Lady of Asian coffee. She grew up in a culture where coffee was a part of daily life, where mornings always started with the smell of freshly brewed coffee. A man ground coffee beans in an antique grinder

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Coffee Plants and it’s Environmental Benefits

Did you know that coffee can also be good for the environment? Studies have shown that coffee plants can help forests grow faster and stronger, providing important benefits for both the local ecosystem and the global climate. Coffee plants are native to tropical regions and thrive in the shade of taller trees. This means that

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7 Ways to Improve Your Home Barista Skills

Baristas are responsible for preparing coffee and tea beverages in a variety of settings, including coffee shops, restaurants and hotels. While some training is provided on the job, there are also some essential barista skills that cannot be learned in a classroom. 1. Invest in high-quality tools: Achieving outstanding outcomes requires the use of high-quality

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USAID, a change-maker of Coffee Culture in the country

The USAID Sustainable Agriculture and Production Linked to Improved Nutrition Status, Resilience, and Gender Equity — or SAPLING project — has been working to identify key crops grown in Bandarban and link local producers to marketplaces to sell their produce. Turmeric, ginger, and woven textiles were among the first value chains the project focused on. 

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Rainforest Alliance and Coffee

When you buy coffee from Superstores or Cafes, you may have noticed a small frog logo on the packet. Ever wonder why the frog is there? If you know the reason and still buying the product, then hats off to you. And if you are on the other side, still in a deep thought- then

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